BJ ENERGY INTL Held Talks with the Government of Nansha New Area, Guangzhou, Guangdong

On April 10, Jia Geng, vice president of Beijing Energy International, met with Xu Wangqi, chief economist of the Nansha New Area Pearl Bay Development Authority, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. Both sides held talks on deepening cooperation in the field of integrated energy services.

During the meeting, both parties agreed that Nansha New Area has significant advantages in energy development and an excellent investment environment. Beijing Energy International has flexible and efficient mechanisms and strong development momentum. They are highly aligned on the development philosophy in the field of green energy. Going forward, both parties will take this meeting as an opportunity to strengthen exchange mechanisms. They will take specific projects as entry points to explore new modalities and pathways for innovative cooperation in green and low-carbon development, aiming for complementary advantages, mutual benefit, and win-win cooperation, and jointly promote the low-carbon and green transformation and high-quality development of Guangzhou.

Jiao Chunmao, director of the Development and Construction Division, and Su Wenxuan, deputy director of the Planning and Finance Department, the Nansha New Area Pearl Bay Development Authority; Yang Zhu, deputy general manager of the Strategic Investment Department of Beijing Energy International, Chen Zongxu, deputy general manager of the Business Planning Department, and Peng Jin, deputy general manager of Beijing Energy International (Yangxi) Integrated Energy Company, and other relevant personnel attended the meeting.