Chairman and CEO of Panda Green Zhang Ping and His Entourage Investigate Central China Company

On June 5th, 2020, Zhang Ping, Chairman and CEO of Panda
Green Energy Group, led a team to investigate Central China Company and gained
a deeper understanding of Central China Company's management and difficulties.
The company's chief operating officer Li Guangqiang and Central China Companies's
general manager and production director Zhou Guo accompanied the trip.
In the meeting, Central China Company's functional departments
and power station representatives talked about their work experience and
expressed their expectations and confidence in the company's further
development. From time to time, Zhang Ping shared his working insights,
encouraged everyone to dream big, forge ahead, and work together to create a better
picture for the company's business development.
Ping affirmed the solid work style of Central China Company, the management
consciousness of finance control, and the team atmosphere of unity and